
HCC is proud to offer these additional services and always looking for more to add!


Judgement free zone here, we just want to help you get from where you are to where you want to be.

Currently we do training once a week that is open to the public to sign up for.

The type of classes we offer currently are:

  • Functional/Foundational Obedience
    • This is the basics of training class. For those who are new to our group we recommend doing this class once or twice at least. You'll learn what techniques we're using to train dogs and why. We'll discuss your goals and how you can leverage our other services to achieve your goals.
  • Reactive dog
    • This class tends to be popular, we focus on exsposing the dogs to new areas and situations so we can work them through the new crisis together, in a group! It will greatly help if you have already taken a few functional Obedience classes so you have many of the basics in mind, however it is not required.
  • Enrichment / trick
    • This is where we get down to having fun and teaching the dogs to do the chores and enjoy it! Just kidding... Each class we will pick what tasks we want to focus on. This might be the little steps in between and making those transitons and building off your previous work or working to connect entire routines and secitons. It's highly recommended you're pretty far along in securing your dogs attention and laying the foundational obedience before joining!

How you can take these classes and the costs...

  • Group classes.
    • These are posted through this website, sign up and you'll see it as an email! Or follow us on Facebook to be notified when we post the signup link! The cost is straight forward, it's 20 dollars per class. Your first visit is free.
  • Private sessions.
    • These are secured through filling out this form to request a session. The cost will be between around 100/hr, there are no free sessions for private sessions. However, you can purchase private time in addition to group classes and we can use them in quarters around other planned events!

Pet Coaching

For those times you're not sure who to turn to, we're here to help you figure out where you have to go if we can't help resolve the issue!

We're happy to offer our experience and knowledge to help owners successfully overcome difficult hurdles they might be facing with their pet!

Just try us, we've seen nearly all of it.

We love behavioral issue dogs, fear, reactivity, nervousness. Any extreme behavior we would love to talk with you and see if we can help!

Pack walks & Adventures

We aim for at least one pack walk a week and will be doing adventures occasionally!

The pack walks largely occur around Bloomingdale or the surrounding area. We will investigate places that are good for working with the dogs and aim to rotate the location over time.

The adventures will reach much further! We may go to a local eatery that is pet friendly or all the way out to starved rock for a hike OR all the way out to the dog beach in the city... Or anything else we come up with and can coordinate.

All are welcome on our pack walks, we do ask that no one approaches other dogs or people without permission before hand!

For the adventures we do ask that you have taken at least a few classes with us prior to attending one of these events.  They are very public and we may not always be able to protect space and it helps if we know who we're waiting for prior to meeting up far away!  

We do ask that all guests encourage CGC quality manners with their pets in groups and in public.


HCC has limited space to board dogs. We really enjoy boarding our club dogs and rescue alumni but all others are welcome!

We like to do pre stay visits typically so be sure to book ahead of time if possible!

We don't do traditional board and train where your dog stays for three weeks for the sole purpose of training. However, your dogs will be trained while they stay here along with a full house pet life. Please be sure to let us know what you're struggling with so we can support your work on it!

Please fill out the form below!

Event Services

This is where things can get fun! Places are becoming more and more dog friendly, and people are wanting dogs at events more often than not. So were here to help!

Our services can be a variety of things like:

*Wedding Pet Escort: Do you want your pets included in some aspects of your wedding, but of course can't do the running around with them? We can help!

*Party Pups: Do you want to have friendly pups/puppies at a gathering your hosting? (weddings, photos, rehearsals, vow renewals, receptions, birthday parties) We can arrange that!

*Chauffeur: Do you need your pets taken somewhere that you yourself can't get them to? We can help!

*Puppy/Yoga: We all know puppy and goat yoga is an amazing thing now, so our pups are available to join for these events. Hopefully one day goats can join our team!

*Custom requests: Have any ideas not listed, shot us and message and we can talk!

Purchasing Club

Excited to offer a private purchasing club for pet products! If we don't currently stock what you want we will see if we can find it!

Send us the product you're looking for and we'll let you know the best deal we can give you!

Let us know if you're a volunteer a pet rescue and we'll see see if there's an extra discount we can find!

Start by filling out the form below for each product you're interested in getting prices on.  We typically order every two weeks and will let you know the next order date we can get your products in.

Commission artwork

... yea you read that right!

We are excited to work with local artists to bring you this amazing portrait service! Even though they can do amazing portraits of your pets that's not all they can do. Feel free to ask for whatever you would like to have done!

You can start the process by filling out the form below, please allow 3-4 weeks for communications and work to complete for most requests.

Please have visual aides and color samples ready digitally or physically prior to scheduling your first discovery meeting. You can upload them on the form below if you have them.

What to expect after submitting a request:
1. An email confirming we have received your request and can provide you this service, you will find a link to schedule your first discovery meeting there.
2. Discovery meeting - virtually or in person will take about 45 mins.
3. A 1-2 hour digital check in where progress is emailed to you for feedback on the direction it's going.
4. A 1 week check in on progress. This is typically the last check before delivering the final copy!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.